Display NOW Manager allows you to show content via Google Slides. One it's setup, all you have to do is edit the slides from any device and they will update on the next rotation of the Playlist. 

Google Slides is great for a wide variety of applications including restaurants, education, barber shops or salons, waiting rooms and much more.

Step 1:  Add Media to Display NOW Digital Signage Manager

  • Navigate to manager.displaynow.io if you haven't already.
  • Click the Media page and find the Google Slide media app under the Media App Store tab.

Click Sign-In with Google & follow the prompts.

Select the your desired slide deck.

  • Set the time in seconds that you want to show each slide.
  • Update Google Slides directly and content will refresh automatically.

Step 2:  Create a Playlist or add it to an existing Playlist

  • Give it a name and description if you'd like.
  • Select the media you'd like to display.
  • You can re-arrange the order, set duration or remove it. If you're on mobile, you may need to press down to activate. drag and drop mode.
  • Tag it to the desired displays and content will begin presenting.

Alternative:  Link Google Slides Without Signing In

If you do not want to sign in with Google, you can grab the embed publish link from Google Slides directly.

Step 1: First, sign in to Google Slides. You can start a new presentation or open an existing one.

Click File > Publish to the web

  • Select how often you wish slides to remain on screen
  • Check the two boxes below: start as soon as player loads and restart the slideshow after the last slide. This keeps the presentation moving in the background as other content is shown.
  • Click the Publish button

  • Copy the link that's highlighted, as shown below:

Step 2:  Add Media to Display NOW Digital Signage Manager.

  • Navigate to manager.displaynow.io if you haven't already.
  • Click the Media page and find the Google Slide media app under the Media App Store tab.

  • Paste the URL from Google Slides into the URL field in the media app.
  • Then click save.