Here's how you can play a YouTube video with Display NOW.

Step 1: Find the video you'd like to display and click on the "SHARE" button below the video, right next to the like and dislike buttons.

Step 2: Click on Embed

Step 3: Create your Embed Link

  • Set the time at which you want the video to start playing by clicking "Start at" and then inputting the time, or if you want it to start from the beginning then leave it unchecked.
  • Uncheck "show player controls" and copy the embed link as shown in the image below.

Step 4: Navigate to Display NOW Manager > Media > Media App Store > YouTube Video

Click on Add, there you can add the URL to YouTube video that you want to display on your screen.

  • Please read the instructions thoroughly and add "?autoplay=1&controls=0" to make your video play automatically.
  • If you have a playlist created already, you can select it when you add media.
  • This will get you going quickly but you'll need to update your playlist to get timings right (based on video length, etc).

Step 6: Adding / Updating the Playlist. 

  • Select YouTube Video you added as the Media.

  • Select the number of seconds you want the video to be played for in a loop. You can calculate that from the YouTube video duration. This must be the same as the video length for the video to play in its entirety.
  • Select the screens you want the Media to be displayed on.
  • Click "Update" and you're all set. The Media then will be display on your screens. 


You can also click on "Update and Preview." It basically gives a Preview of what is going to be displayed on your screens. In Preview, your YouTube Video will be paused just to show you what it would look like. When your Video is displayed on your screens, it will be on Autoplay. 

This is what it will look like in Preview.