Display NOW Manager lets you seamlessly select and show Google Slides on your screens. Google slides is great for a wide variety of applications like: menus, informational messages, building directories and more. 

The Google Slides Media App lets you sign in and select a slide deck of your choice from Google Drive. You can add multiple slide decks to your Media library and add them to various playlists. It's possible to add the same slide deck to one or more playlists.

Step 1: Navigate to Display NOW Manager > Media > Media App Store > Google Slides


Click on Add then "Sign in with Google"

Select the Account you want to select your Google Drive Slides from.

An error will occur like what you see below. Please click on the "Advanced" option highlighted in red.

This is a temporary error as we work to verify our app with Google (currently certification is pending). 

We take your privacy very seriously.

Click on "Go to aspcore.net"

Please check the "See and download all your Google Drive Files" option and hit continue.

You'll be able to access the documents in your Google Drive Files and you can any document that you want to display on your screen. It can be a picture, a video or a presentation.

Step 2: Adding to Playlist

  • Select the number of Seconds you want slide the picture or presentation to be played for. 
  • Select the Playlist want that picture or presentation on. 
  • Click on save once done. 

Step 3: Updating the Playlist

Head over the Playlist option and select your Playlist and click on Edit. 

  • Select Google Slides as the Media you would like to show on your screen.
  • Select the number of second you want each picture or presentation slide to be played for in a loop.
  • Select the number of screens you want the Media to be displayed. 
  • Click "Update" and you're all set. The Media then will be display on your screens.